

Declaring Procedure

Declaration Form

Declaring Procedure

Process of registration of the declaration of communication products conformity shall be independently initiated by an Applicant, which may be represented both by a manufacturing company and a supplier or even a buyer.

Acceptance of the declaration of conformity shall be based on provision of evidence – test reports issued by a third party, e.g. by an accredited test laboratory (centre) which conducted corresponding tests.

For declaring of conformity, the Applicant shall:

  • choose the established requirements, the communication products conform to;

  • conclude a contract on testing with a test laboratory (centre) or an entity, organizing the communication products testing, and provide samples of the declared products and their specifications;

  • draw up the declaration of conformity;

  • pay a state duty for registration of the declaration of conformity.

The declarant shall obligatorily keep a copy of the declaration of conformity registered in accordance with the established procedure and evidentiary materials during the whole validity period of this declaration and within 3 years from the date of its termination.

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